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Old Mon Aug 04, 2008, 02:51pm
BayStateRef BayStateRef is offline
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Originally Posted by Snaqwells
On the other hand, there are enough veteran officials who should know better who come in with the "it's summer ball" attitude and never even question the little bit of tape on the ears.
The officials for this tournament are varsity-level and college-level. It is a quality tournament with some of the top girls teams in Massacusetts and New Hampshire. The TD is the girls college coach. So...we don't have folks who lack rules knowledge or are uncomfortable enforcing the rules.

The assignor told me later he liked how I handled it and he would have backed me fully if I refused to allow the girl to play, even pulling all the officials from the courts, if it came to that. He was upset at the TD for her attitude, but as others have posted here, earrings and summer ball are common at the college level. And as Rut noted...the TD wants schools to come to this tournament and she thought the "tape 'em and waive 'em" policy was good enough.

Since it is her tournament, played under no formal sanction (T-shirts for the winners; bragging rights for anyone who wants; a couple of college coaches hanging around to scout and/or recruit), she can pick and chose the rules. We already had changed several rules: running time (except for foul shots and last two minutes of each half); no shot-clock (Mass. uses 30-second clock) or 10-second backcourt; uniform numbers didn't matter (one team had three '0's; another team had players with 3-digit numbers). I know that none of these are safety issues, but the rules are the rules. If we waive some rules (or the TD does), does it automatically follow that we can waive any rule?
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