Originally Posted by JRutledge
I do not think that is fair. Many times the Tournament Director is more concerned about making the participants happy and they are unaware of the rules in the first place. I had the very same thing several years ago and I did not know what to do at the time. Now I take a much clearer stand and what is required as it deals with the rules. During the regular season this is not an issue because we are under the jurisdiction of the state and if we do not enforce the rules thoroughly, there is a different consequence. Often during the summer the TD wants to make everyone happy and they do not have a set of rules or an organization making sure they follow strict guidelines.
I agree with both of you.
On the one hand, TDs (and coaches, players, and Moms) are taking advantage of newer officials who aren't as sure of themselves. You get a 19 or 20 year old kid in there; with Mom screaming about all the money she just spent that morning getting her daughter hole-punched, coach saying you can't force his best player to the bench, and the TD (who essentially writes your paycheck) wanting to make the coach and mom (who essentially write his check)
happy, and it's no wonder the refs cave.
On the other hand, there are enough veteran officials who should know better who come in with the "it's summer ball" attitude and never even question the little bit of tape on the ears.