Originally Posted by msavakinas
You are the odd man out indeed. There is no reason to dump him here based on his mannerisms alone. He didn't show the umpire up, he didn't go demonstrate at the place of the play (third base). He didn't bump him. He used his hands a little bit but nearly enough to warrant an ejection. You need to watch the video again.
Another thing here is the ABL is a college level summer league. If you would toss someone for that you need to reconsider some things. He did not demonstrate and obviously didn't say enough to even come close. He just came out, not even sprinting just took a couple quick steps. He wasn't even arguing vehemently. He just stated what he thought a couple times and the argument was only about ten seconds long anyways. Wasn't even close to being prolonged.
I don't shy away from confrontation, but I just don't understand why the umpire stuck around. Make the call, turn back, jog to A. If headus rattus wants to get shots in, he's going to have to work pretty hard at it and then he's going to look like the aggressor.