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Old Fri Aug 01, 2008, 09:03am
snorman75 snorman75 is offline
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Originally Posted by RichMSN
Get in position and make the call. The call is not "awful" if you let the throw take you to the right position.

I would never ask a partner for help on this one. I can't imagine an umpire actually doing this, to be honest.
I will ask for help on this play almost every time at third:

2 man crew, less then 2 outs, runner on second.

Ball to short stop, looks runner back, makes play to first, BU's call. Runner takes off to third, as PU I am taking the play at third. the throw draws the third baseman in and toward second. They make a swipe tag, and I as PU do not see any contact. Unless you are super man and you are standing at third looking down the base line to second, which you then left your part hanging on the pulled foot at first. Why not ask your part if they had a tag. Since they should be standing what? 10-15 feet behind the pitchers mound with a perfect angle on the swipe tag.
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