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Old Thu Aug 08, 2002, 12:12am
Ed Hickland Ed Hickland is offline
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Originally posted by Theisey
Originally posted by Ed Hickland

Oh! my curiousity opened the package. The only thing inside or outside the glove was Inspector 21's label.

I looked up the NCAA glove rule and there is no certification label required and the color of the gloves meets their specs.


You must not have looked in the right place. A certifcation label is required for NCAA. It is rule 1-4-5-n.
The 2002 rules defined the color gray (not grey) a little more this year.

Looks like this manufacturer is trying to make a fast buck hoping that no umpire will actually check the gloves unless it happens to be called to his attention.

[Edited by Theisey on Jul 26th, 2002 at 12:32 PM] [/B]
You are right. Nike pointed out to me the certification label is located on the inside of the glove attached to the inseam in the area between the thumb and the fore finger.
Ed Hickland, MBA, CCP
[email protected]
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