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Old Wed Jul 30, 2008, 07:22pm
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by btaylor64

This is incorrect. You are thinking of continuous shooting motion. Upward shooting motion is used to determine if a defender has obtained a LGP prior to the upward shooting motion of the off. Player. If he is there before USM then it is an offensive foul, if not then it is a block. I hope this doesn't divert our debate. This is the best debatable thread I've seen in a while!
Sorry, but Snaqs is correct. Upward, sideways, downwards or any other direction of motion is not relevant to judging whether or not a defender was in position in time. What you needed to write was "before the offensive player goes airborne." Whether he has begun his shooting motion or not has no impact upon whether the foul is offensive or defensive.
Snaqs rightly chastised you for your incorrect phrasing.
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