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Old Tue Jul 29, 2008, 06:43pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Sep 2000
Location: USA
Posts: 14,565
Originally Posted by FredFan7
I posted this on the baseball forum, but I'd like to get feedback from my fellow softball umpires...

I've seen a growing trend this year that MLB umpires use a casual wave/point to the dugout when ejecting a manager or player. This is happening when while the player, coach, or manager is screaming at them.

Are umpires doing this because they refuse to be part of the manager's show? Or is it sending a message that "you are not worth the time or effort for me to give you the big heave-ho."

Have/will any of you try this mechanic the next time you have to take out the trash?
I haven't used any type of signal or indicator for ejections for about 8 years now. Just don't see the need. No reason to argue with them, either. That's something the MLB umpires need to figure out.
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