Thread: Fight scenario
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Old Tue Jul 29, 2008, 03:39pm
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by Ch1town
Nevada - while you're in officiating 101 mode, why does each team shoot 4 FTs?
From the penalty summary at the end of rule 10.

There are two players of Team B (B1 and B2) who penalized under 8a(2). That's four FTs to the opponent. 4 FTs to Team A.

There is one team member of Team A (A6) who is penalized under 8b(2). That's two FTs to the opponent. 2 FTs to Team B.

There is an unequal number of team members who are penalized under 8b(1) (A6 and A7 vs. B6). That results in two FTs for the team with fewer such offenders. Two FTs to Team B.

Since the NFHS has never stated that the FTs from these different categories can offset, each team must attempt four FTs. If the NFHS does someday decide to make a clear ruling that these FTs can cancel one another, then I would be happy to follow that.

Last edited by Nevadaref; Tue Jul 29, 2008 at 03:42pm.
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