Thread: Fight scenario
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Old Tue Jul 29, 2008, 01:37pm
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by Scrapper1
I've never had to deal with an actual fight (although I did eject a kid for throwing a punch once). Someone else asked me about this situation, so I thought I'd throw this out for people to chew on while things are slow.

A6 (bench personnel) becomes involved in an altercation with player B1, which is deemed a fight. Player B2 joins the fight. A7 and A8 leave the bench but do not participate. B6 leaves the bench but does not participate.

So we have 2 players fighting, one bench personnel fighting, and 3 bench personnel not fighting.

What technicals are assessed and how many free throws, if any, are awarded?
Under NFHS rules here's what I do:
First I'm going to assume that the ball is already dead when A6 and B1 engage. That makes their fouls technicals. (If it was not, then it is a bit harder because B1 may receive a personal foul for contacting opponent A6. The book is not 100% clear on that point.)
PLAYERS on the court fighting:
a. B1 and B2 each receive flagrant Ts for fighting. Four FTs for Team A. Nothing to a coach. Two team fouls against B.
Bench personnel entering the court and fighting:
b. A6 receives a flagrant T for leaving the bench and fighting. Two FTs to Team B and one indirect to Coach A. One team foul against A.
Bench personnel entering the court but do NOT fight:
c. A7, A8, and B6 all receive flagrant Ts. Each coach gets one indirect. Two team fouls against A and one against B. Unequal number means two FTs for Team B.

1. Six disqualifications. B1, B2, A6, A7, A8, B6.
2. Coach A has two indirect Ts. Coach B has one. Both lose the box.
3. Add three team fouls to the count for each team.
4. Award team A four FTs.
5. Award team B four FTs.
6. Award the ball at the division line to Team B.

*The NFHS is not clear on whether FTs from different categories can cancel. There is no indication that they do according to Summary section 8, but I wouldn't mind seeing a clarification from the committee which says that they can. If that were the case, then all FTs would cancel and the game would resume at the POI.
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