Originally Posted by 3appleshigh
Sorry, but If you are allowed to post the benifits, expect to here the other side of it. Support Cancer Research, MS, Asthma, Autism what ever, but this focus on one area rather than the entire problem is silly, IMHO.
I realize I'm a bit late to the party, but I disagree. "Cancer" is such a varied, vague term. It also represents a behemoth of sorts; too large and overwhelming to thing there's any hope of a cure.
By breaking it down, you offer those with a direct connection an incentive to get involved. By making it look more manageable, people are more likely to pitch in.
Furthermore, many of the cancers are not just distinguished by anatomical location, but by characteristics which require completely different treatment programs and prevention measures.
Some cancers are as different from each other as they are from diabetes or MS.