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Old Tue Jul 29, 2008, 07:55am
Warrenkicker Warrenkicker is offline
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Location: Wichita, KS
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Until the snapper puts his hands on the ball neither the offense or defense can be called for encroachment just because the line up in the neutral zone.

7-1-6 Following the ready-for-play and after the snapper has placed his hand(s) on the ball, encroachment occurs if any other player breaks the plane of the neutral zone.

But the rules are different for signal calling. This is from page 87 in the Points of Emphasis. And also 7-1-5.

After the ball is ready for play for a scrimmage down, but prior to the snapper placing his or her hand(s) on the ball, it is encroachment if a defender enters the neutral zone to give defensive signals or places his or her hand(s) on the ground so that contact is made with the ball or an opponent.

So for 2.8 Sit A part a the defense has encroached due to their action of calling signals in or across the neutral zone. In part c they encroached due to the fact that the snapper had his hand on the ball. In 7.1.6 the snapper has yet to put his hand on the ball in all the situations and thus these actions are all still legal.
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