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Old Tue Jul 29, 2008, 12:06am
Forksref Forksref is offline
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It's not the rules but our interpretation of the situation.

I ejected my first coach ever last year. I've been doing basketball since 73 and football since 75.

I was R in a JV football game. Punt goes between the hands of the receiver but doesn't touch him. A K player falls on the ball and thinks his team has the ball. The BJ rules correctly that R gets the ball. The K coach goes nuts and the BJ has to tell the coach, "That's enough." The coach says, "Come over here and say that!" FLAG - USC signal - Ejection signal. You can't always put it in writing what the situation will be when you have to eject, but I knew it as soon as it happened that it warranted an ejection.

I called the state, the head coach and principal of the school the next day. First time in over 30 years. Not pretty but it had to be done. Head coach was great about it. He wanted to make sure that the story he got was correct and it was. The other coach on the sideline told him accurately exactly what happened. Ironically, the coach that was ejected was the head coach's brother. I think he learned a lesson and came back OK after his suspension.

Obviously, I have a long fuse. I hope I don't have to do it again, but with my experiences, I will know at the time when it has to be done.
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