Originally Posted by youngump
Not sure what you're trying to say here.
I had: how easy the resultant double play is doesn't matter if I judge they simply could not have caught it.
You said, 'Only matters that it is judged that it "could be caught with ordinary effort".'
Those read the same to me.
Fix your judgment. That call should have been made from jump street.
The excuse you are making is the what you have to fall back on when the coach crawls up your but for not calling IF in an obvious to everyone on earth IF situation, thus costing him lead runners and a double play.
Youre supposed to learn from that though and next time call it so this goofy stuff dont happen. Thats why the rule is there.
I'm not a coach, I dont need the "yeah um I um didnt judge it to be able to um be caught with ordinary effort coach duh george. Yeah uh *cough *cough lets play ball now coach."
You didnt even see it the play and your judgements goofed up on it.
Havent you ever had this exact play, where you goofed up and didnt call it "ordinary effort blah blah"? I have. You learn from that.
This is what you do.. Less than two, pop fly.. any normal IF ball, you call it.