Fri Jul 25, 2008, 09:29pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Aug 2000
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Originally Posted by ajmc
How dead do we have to beat this horse? The reason there's no Case Book advice on this change is that nobody ever considered it could be built into such a silly mountain.
The original rule change was intended to provide opportunity for an adult supervisor, of each team, to have the authority to directly call a TO. This years simple adjustment simply allows that responsibility to be designated to someone other than the titled Head Coach.
It's not confusing unless you want it to be. The Head Coach is automatically granted that authority, this year he can choose to designate that responsibility to someone else, but if he does the designation is final, unless there is "an emergency". Must the rules list a succession plan for every conceivable possible emergency, or does the smallest amout of common sense provide enough guidance.
Baby bear needs a nap REAL bad!
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