Thread: Hydrating
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Old Wed Jul 23, 2008, 01:32pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Sep 2000
Location: USA
Posts: 14,565
Originally Posted by wadeintothem
Good, I'll keep some on hand in case I ever see you walk on a fast pitch diamond to call a game. But that wont help me keep cool.
Let's see, I worked baseball for 22 years. Due to my knee replacement, I've only worked once this year and it was in our JO states (FP). Working FP is no big deal, it's just not my preferred game.

You cant hurt my feelings telling me CA is run by liberal idiots with their head in their @ss about the environment.. simply because its true.
Wasn't trying to hurt your feelings 'cause I really don't care about your feelings. Just responding to your mentioning of knowing where you live.

We're talking about ICE.
No, we are not. We are talking about adding an inhalant to an already proven source of cooling one's body temperature on a hot day. I know as a fact that there are at least three umpires on this board for whom I have provided this relief. I also know there are thousands more that will tell you it helps.

But what would we know, you are the one making absurd declarations, not us.

I need a link about adding it to ice.

Even you should be able to grasp that. Mayo clinic is fine.. hell, would be fine.. any link.
Hell, this is nothing new to me. This stuff used to be sold at soda fountains as an additive for whatever ails you.
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