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Old Tue Jul 22, 2008, 05:57am
Lotto Lotto is offline
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Originally Posted by Scrapper1
Not necessarily. Suppose there is less than a minute remaining in the second half when A1 dunks the ball. The clock stops (in the NCAA) due to the successful try. But the force of the dunk causes it to bounce off another player toward midcourt.

Normally, if the ball bounces a long way away, we'll blow the whistle to stop the game and retrieve the ball. The clock is already stopped in this situation, though, so there's no reason for the whistle. So if the official (out of habit) blows the whistle, is it inadvertent? Do we let the subs in?

I think that the answer was that we do not let the subs in. I'm sure it's one of the NCAA bulletins for the year that the rule was introduced, but I don't have all the old bulletins.

With the women's rule, we don't even have to worry about this scenario.
Good point, although the situation still seems clear to me. The game is stopped neither to correct a timing mistake nor was this an inadvertent whistle, so bring the subs in in NCAAM. In NCAAW, they stay at the table.
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