Originally Posted by tcarilli
If he doesn't ask a question, why respond to him? That way you don't give him a chance to build steam. Your response that he was on the bag really amounts to nothing more than a sort of pissing contest, aka "he said, she said." Those things invariable turn into rabbit-season duck season...bang. With the umpire playing the part of Daffy Duck. If you make the call and move toward your next position and he says "he was off the bag" quietly as you implied, let it go keep moving. If he yells at you, try turning around holding your hand up as in a stop sign and saying something like "let it go." If he yells again say something like, "If you don't stop yelling, I will have to run you." This puts the ball in his court and you have warned him essentially twice.
From the original OP
Over 30 League - Actually known to be a pretty level headed league (compared to the stories I read on here of other adult league games). Mostly good guys just having a good time on a Sunday morning away from the wives and kids.
Except for the guys wanting to get away from the wife / kids nothing can be further from the truth.
Adult mens league games are by far the worst games to do and in fact this year we do not service them (Thank God)
This is not your typical college or varisty HS player you are dealing with.
They Moan and Groan on just about everything
Therefore, when talking about adult mens league games it doesn't matter whether you ignore them or not - they will keep chirping and Chirping UNTIL you STOP the chirping by getting rid of the player.
As in the case with Rich, we all know who they are and it's pretty much the same "suspects" game after game.
Pete Booth