Originally Posted by RKBUmp
At one point in the first half he had called 6 fouls on our team, and not 1 on the other even though we had kids with loose teeth and bloody noses. I finally said something as he ran by about it was some pretty lopsided foul calling, 6-0. He finally started calling some on the other team, but I think by the end of the game is was like 9 on us, 4 on the them. He also never once called a 3 second violation the entire game, even though their big guy had pitched a tent in the key. At one point I was counting outloud, loud enough for him to hear me and got to a count of 25 where the kid had never stepped out of the key.
Hey, if you're an umpire, do you believe in evening out calls too? Maybe call a few outs at first when a player was safe.....just to make sure the calls are even?
I got news for you, fanboy. We don't worry about how many fouls each team has. We worry about getting the call
Great job. Try to intimidate a 16 year old kid into giving your team some more calls. Unfortunately you're a typical parent and a typical fanboy.
The true "you" just came out.