Mon Jul 21, 2008, 11:39am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 448
Originally Posted by Andy
Two big brain farts this weekend....ASA girls tournament, I'm PU in both cases.
1. R1 on third, R2 on first, outs not important. B3 gets a base hit to left field, R1 scores, R2 advances to second. F7's throw to third skips under F5's glove, R2 takes off for third. F2 sees that the ball has gone past F5 and moves to retrieve it and runs directly into R1, who has scored. My brain, recalling the long blocked ball thread from last week, and determining that F2 would not have had any chance the get R2 at third, killed the play and sent R2 back to second base. Not one person (even my partner) questioned the call. Looking back, I should have called interference on the former R1 and called R2 out.
2. R1 on second, R2 on first, no outs. B3 hits a ground ball down the third base line that hops just inside the line about halfway between home and third and is curving toward foul territory. I watch the ball and yell FOU....just as the ball clips the corner of third base!  My partner said I then yelled NO and pointed fair. I remember thinking "Oh SH*T!" and pointing fair, but not yelling "NO". Both runners advanced one base, the BR got to first and the defense retrieved the ball. I did not see anyone react to my call. My partner started smirking at me, so I called her over and asked if she had seen anyone hesitate as a result of the call... she said no and none of the coaches or players were saying anything, so I decided to let the play stand. I was prepared to eat the call and take the grief if necessary.
OK...let me have it.....
It happens. I called a ball fair a couple of weeks ago. One of those medium speed rollers down the 3B line. I'm watching it thinking to myself that's rolling foul, rolling foul, rolling foul, all of the sudden it clips the front part of the bag. I think "thats fair" and I think it outloud!! I continued loudly and clearly saying "it's fair it's fair". All runners went one base which is what would have happened if I had just pointed, if anyone hesitated it was the runners. DC came out and all I told him was that I said fair, don't know why I said it but I did, we aren't supposed to say fair but I did and all play stands. He looked at me, shook his head (because he couldn't think of a comeback after I admitted my goof) and walked off.