Originally Posted by RichMSN
The shouting dies down eventually. And the assignor is much happier if he doesn't have to deal with an ejection report.
OTOH, why should umpires go on the field and tolerate getting yelled at? That's NOT what we're getting paid for.
My question is this: If a high school player were to scream at your back like this (loud enough for others to hear) would you tolerate it?
Just cause the players are in their 20s and 30s doesn't mean that the team now has 20 "managers" who can scream and question every possible call in every possible way.
Were we talking about high school players? No, I guess not.
We are definitely not paid to be yelled at, but it comes with the job. I don't recall reading any rules in any adult leagues that say only the manager can argue a call. Again, this ain't high school or college ball.
I see a pattern forming with you....