Thread: High Dribble
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Old Sun Jul 20, 2008, 08:34pm
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by BillyMac
However, how about the following violations, Nevadaref?
1) A free throw shooter uses eleven seconds before releasing his, or her shot.
2) A player gets "lost" in the lane for four seconds, not posting up anybody, not preparing to set a screen for a teammate, just standing with one foot outside the lane, and the other foot on elbow.
Originally Posted by just another ref
1. My take is...
Originally Posted by BillyMac
Nevaderef: Thanks for your straightforward, honest, practical answers to my questions.
Please don't confuse me with JAR.

My answer to your questions is that situations that do not involve a timing device, a line painted on the court, or a clear, observable act by a player will be handled with some leniency simply because individuals count at different speeds or focus upon different aspects of play. So for your specific examples:
1. I tend to count to ten fairly slowly on a FT attempt.
2. I probably do not notice a player who is lost in the FT lane for a couple of seconds because I am focused on the players who are not running around with their heads cut off and are making an important play. The munchkin at the side of the lane with one foot in it is likely out of my field of vision, but even if I do observe this player, my count is likely less precise.
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