Originally Posted by NCASAUmp
Attitudes like this is where umpires get such a bad name. Screwing up a judgment call is one thing, but flat out admitting that you make calls because it "doesn't matter" is totally different.
Did you ever call baseball? If so, I think I saw you in this video.
Anyone else hear the soft melody played on a piano?
No, never said make I screwed up call because it does not matter. If anything the opposite. Team up 20+ runs and still stealing, any close play is going to be a out, it might not even be that close.
You do not change your strike zone when it is a blow out. If you say you do not adjust to the game situation, well I do not think you are being truthful with yourself.
In this situation, well my heart was never behind not calling her out every time. Truthfully, I would had called her out in the first inning, and welcomed a protest to put it to bed finally.
P.S. We have put it to bed in our Board, it is a out.
P.S.S I am talking playing more to the situation in kids and lower level teen games. Adults and U16 and up there really is not much gray area.