Originally Posted by whiskers_ump
1. ... R2 wasn't obstructed from reaching 3B, she was obstructed from rounding the base. Catcher still had the ball, so there's no judgement R2 would have scored on the play had obstruction not occured.
Judgement. DB, OBS on F5, put R2 back on 3B.
Originally Posted by whiskers_ump
2. ... Pitcher fields ball down the 1B line that fielder at 1B would have legitimately played, and throws to 2B for the force.
Judgement. INT, R1 out. Award B1 1B.
Originally Posted by whiskers_ump
3. ... Ball comes down and hits R1 on the helmet as she runs to 3B.
DB, INT, R1 out, BR is out on IF, return R2 to 1B. 3 outs, end the inning.
Originally Posted by whiskers_ump
4. ... and throws home to keep the run from scoring. Throw from left-handed fielder hits B1, who is still standing still and upright in the baseline, not far from home plate. R1 scores.
Bad throw. Score the run. Interference wasn't intentional.
Originally Posted by whiskers_ump
5. And last... this actually came very close to happening. R1 at 3B, R2 at 1B. R2 is stealing on the pitch. Pitcher winds up and the ball comes out during the windmill, heading behind her towards 2B fielder (between 1B and 2B). Fielder charges for ball as R2 heads to second, causing a collision. R1 advances home as R2 gets back to 1B. I presume there are illegal pitch considerations in this one?
INT. Fielder was attempting to field the ball and execute a play. R2 is out. Return R1 to 3B. No IP.