Options that I could see falling under Rule 2, Section 3, Art 1 of the NCAA rules.
1. Count the basket, Flagrant Technical on B player. Start the overtime with 2 FT for Team A.
2. Flagrant Technical on B player, 2 FT and ball at half-court for team A with the 2 seconds back on the clock and give team A a chance to win in regulation.
3. Flagrant Technical on B player, because A2 was in the act of shooting award 3 FT with no time on the clock for the chance to tie.
4. Forfit the game. Team A wins.
My personal option would be option 1. And here is why... This would allow both teams an equal chance to win the game in the overtime. The B player who caused the situation in the first place is gone and I think that would be what is best for that particular game.
The B coach couldn't really argue the ruling either, because if it came down to it he could be turfed as well for failing to control his bench. Unless it was a coaching desicion to have the B player block the shot. If that were the case, I'd forfit the game.
Hoop Ref in Canada