Thanks for the replies. I really appreciate it.
Originally Posted by Skahtboi
The time to have thought about it was when you partner was telling you the correct call. If he was absolutely sure, and you weren't, why didn't you go with him?
I really should have listened to him, would have made this all go away. I don't know why, maybe it was because he wasn't adamant enough.
Originally Posted by Dakota
...I wouldn't feel bad about declaring 30 seconds remaining as DONE, especially since you had an unofficial stopping of the clock earlier....
A lot of the coaches around here play both ASA and USSSA and get confused with the time issue. I try to stress USSSA rules when they are playing USSSA, even letting them know that the DP/flex isn't used in USSSA (DP/DH) when they hand me their lineup cards. Just one of those things I try to "go by the letter of the rule."
Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
Just one question. Why were they calling you "blue"? 
Yeah, especially in NM where we wear cream shirts. No red, unless your partner only has red. Boy those light colors are nice!!!! In 2009 we in NM will wear cream shirts and black hats in the daytime, black shirts and black hats under the lights. No red!!!