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Old Sun Jul 13, 2008, 05:38pm
Daryl H. Long Daryl H. Long is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Jerry City, Ohio
Posts: 394
Originally Posted by Rich Ives
Sweat isn't a foreign substance.

Spit is specifically covered in 8.02(a)(2).
I would not penalize either as sweat would get on the ball everytime a human hand touched it. But in reality it is as foreign to the baseball as is dirt, mud, shoe polish, vaseline, etc.

The real question is has OBR made a list of what they consider a foreign substance or a definition of such?


Why do they accept one bodily fluid (sweat) and reject others (spit, blood)? If sweat can be rubbed in with the bare hands enough to render the substance innefective to the movement of the ball then so can spit.
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