Thread: Canada v. USA
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Old Sat Jul 12, 2008, 08:28pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Sep 2000
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Originally Posted by Al
Hi socalump,

I thought the umpire at 3rd base handled an unusual situation very well. The sit I'm referring to was where a player advanced to 3rd base while another runner, who was in a rundown between 3rd and home, ended up coming back to 3rd. For a moment both were standing on 3rd. A tag came just after the runner got back to 3rd and the other runner, who didn't belong there, started running back to 2nd. I wish I recorded it because I thought I heard one of the commentators say something to this affect: "The tag didn't get the out because the other runner got off the base before the tag came, if they were both on the base she would have been out on the tag". If that is what she was saying she was wrong because the only one subject to being tagged out would be the player that was not rightfully on the base. ...Al
You are correct, one of the TH screwed that up, but what's new.

Personally, I thought there was way too much conversation on the play at 3B especially from a crew of this level. The call was a no-brainer. Candrea really showed his ignorance on this one, also, and that is not the norm for him.

Not impressed with Lapin on the dish. She plays the position like a 14 y/o.
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