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Old Fri Aug 02, 2002, 02:20pm
PeteBooth PeteBooth is offline
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Originally posted by kylejt


This is exactly why some managers have a problem with umpires. I work both sides of the fence. I've only been umpiring for two years, so I know I have a lot to learn still. But if I, as a manager, ask U2 if F4 tagged the bag, and U2 says "I have an out there coach", I can only assume that a) U2 didn't see the play, or b) U2 isn't going to answer me today. Either way I've got a lesser opinion of that umpire from now on. I know, some umpires don't care what managers think of them, but I do. I'm still trying to improve, and part of that is going up through the ranks.

It's frustrating to get that kind of an answer to a yes or no question. I know, as an umpire, and rational person, I couldn't give that answer yet. Maybe that will come with time.

Again, I ask my fellow, more experienced brothers, how close is close enough? 6 inches, 12 inches? I know, at least in the league I work in, if I just say "I got an out there coach" without actually answering if a tag was made on the bag, I'd be considered a dolt. I'm serious guys, I'm going to moving up to Juniors, PONY 13-14, and maybe some HS next year. I need to know what I should be doing on these plays.


As Garth says you need to know what level of ball you are doing. What I recommend although it could be embarrassing or painful is to call the game as you want and learn through experience until you get to a comfort level. It's very difficult to change one's style simply to change it.

In this thread I gave an example of how I learned. Experience comes through time and there's no better learning experience than the game itself.

Also, seek out a mentor that's been there before

All I can say is that I call a game different than when I started. Do I cheat the teams? - NO. Heck when I umpired LL I have called my own son out on strikes so I do not cheat

Also, you NEVER tell a coach "hey skip close enough" you simply say "Skip in my judgement he's out" that's it. You don't argue or give a thesis to a coach on judgement calls. You tell the coach that you saw it and it's time to play ball.

Currently at least that's what I gather from reading your post you feel uncomfortable calling the "neigborhood / phantom tag play" At the level you are umpiring it's probably best to have that philosophy but depending upon your umpiring goals, once you start moving up you will see the difference and "try it your way" and see what happens.

Once you start getting knocked around a bit you will learn and adapt your umpiring style if you want to continue your growth potential.

If your goal is simply to stay and the youth level (which is ok we all have different goals in life) then you do not have to change your style. It boils down to your own goals as an umpire.

Pete Booth

Peter M. Booth
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