Originally Posted by wadeintothem
If I show up for a game and am doing the equipment check and my partner is wandering around the outfield having holes plugged in the home run fence, i am going to be irritated and know what kind of smitty I am working with.
At least you check equipment....
What is wrong with you Wade?
You are getting more and more combative all the while knowing you are wrong and are conveying the exact opposite impression of what you say you want.
Equipment checks should be done by the crew, as should a field walk through every game at a new site.
If you have a double header, then maybe not a second walk through.
Relying on your partner to know the ground issues isn't going to help when you have to make a call in his area because he has a train wreck of some sort or God forbid he goes down.
You need to take a break from the game and go back to being a observer until you can enjoy the game and give your best effort again.
Spare me the drivel
This is the comment I was addressing
I would like to think that it would not happen in my game. I would have
caught it during the walk of the field and had it corrected.
Which is an absurd comment.