Originally Posted by NCASAUmp
While lame, it's what I do for a big game. I can clear up most situations in advance, and it shows the coaches that I care enough about their game that I start things as prepared as possible.
For most of the league games I call, I don't really need to do that unless there's been a big downpour. The leagues around here are so gun-ho about getting games in, they sometimes overlook big safety issues. If I've got a safety issue on the field, I won't let the game continue until it's fixed.
a hole in the home run fence is not a safety issue.
If I show up for a game and am doing the equipment check and my partner is wandering around the outfield having holes plugged in the home run fence, i am going to be irritated and know what kind of smitty I am working with.
Hole in a fence is a ground rule, not a repair issue.