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Old Fri Aug 02, 2002, 06:51am
His High Holiness His High Holiness is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2001
Posts: 345
Talking So you think that you're an umpire


Recently, Carl Childress sent me an email and asked me to write an article for eumpire entitled "So you think that you're an umpire" He wanted me to do it without "pi$$ing off the entire world".

I sent an article back to Carl and told him that umpires only pi$$ off half the world with each of their calls. Since I am an umpire, I promised to pi$$ off only half of his readers with my article.

I have a feeling that you will be among the half that are pi$$ed off. Therefore, when the article gets published, you may want ot ignore it. However, from your writings, it appears that you need to read it more than most.

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