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Old Mon Jul 07, 2008, 10:21pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Sep 2000
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Originally Posted by Dakota
IMO, the licking / not wiping rule should be removed. It is silly. I am also not the fashion police. None of your examples apply to my "ilk." As to knowing obstruction when you see it, maybe so, but you seem to be saying you won't call it in a situation where a legal slide knocked the ball loose and F2 prevented the runner from touching the plate until she could retrieve the ball and make the tag. Why won't you call this, exactly?
Part of being an umpire is making the tough calls. If you are afraid to make the call because may have to face a little adversity, you picked the wrong vocation.

If you will not make the black and white call because you think you know better than those which put the rules into place, then you are failing to fulfill your contract.

Or maybe you just lack the intestinal fortitude.

As it was previously noted, the runner must actually be obstructed. That means that the runner must actually be trying to advance. And if that was your daughter on the ground fighting to get to the plate with the catcher holding her back, you would be screaming for the umpire's head.
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