Thread: 3-man Mechanics
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Old Thu Aug 01, 2002, 05:21pm
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally posted by mpeterson_1
I have a game tonight as the 3rd base umpire in a 3-man crew. I've never worked a 3-man crew before. What advice can you give someone who's only worked 2-man crews?
1) With no one one, someone goes out on all fly balls. IF both U1 and U3 go out, or both come in, it's U1's fault.

2) Never go out from the middle

3) If someone goes out, the other umpires revert to two-man.

4) Look to your left (iow, clockwise around the diamond). If you see an open base, run to it, but don't run away from an immediate play.

Those four rules will cover 90% of the plays.
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