Originally Posted by HoopsRefJunior
The feedback I received this summer at camp was similar. For me it is posture. I have a tendancy to bend at the waist occasionally on certain calls -- usually when I move forward to "sell the call". I don't do it all the time, but when I give a preliminary signal (ie., hold or hand-check) at the spot of the foul I occasionally finish with my shoulders rolled forward and I slightly bend at the waist. The clinicians said they were knit-picking, but that is why we go to camp -- to polish our game. The recommendation -- and I worked on it at camp -- is to stand more upright (with better posture) through those particular calls.
Similar to how it's been put forth to me. I'm 6' 5". Whenever I've heard that I'm not referee'ing
big it's when I have bad posture or my signals are weak and/or presented too low.