around here there isnt to much recruiting going on. However this year I put out a mass email to some leagues and some fastpitch players I knew were aging out of playing the game and we held an introductory clinic for them and some of them did so well that after said class and they had a uniform I put them out with verteran officials and they started working games.
As for the gear aspect aroiund here and I know its a chain thereis a company called play it again sports and I get used gear from there all the time. Yesterday infact I bought a pair of the SHUTT leg gaurds with the removeable liner in them for 38 dollars .... they retail for 80. I tend to keep my gear so umpires that are starting can get a mask for cheap and a set of shingaurds maybe even a chest protector. plus no one tells these new people that Ebayis also a great place to get gear and uniforms...
when the world gets in my face I say Have a nice day
For all those who don't know ... Ed Hickox is the MAN