Originally Posted by MrUmpire
In my experience it slows the game down as the coach requests time, decides who he is going to insert, player looks for helmet, runs out, catcher comes in and still doen't put on gear until the end of the inning.
Yeah, I know, stay on top of it. In some case that only serves to piss off the coach and does nothing in the long run for game management.
It is a stupid rule. Running, along with hitting, fielding, pitching, is part of the game. If they won't eliminate it, they should change its name to the "Our catcher is too freaking fat and slow to run" rule.
As far as participation, if a coach considers CR as satisfying participation for a player, he should be ashamed of himself.
MrUmpire, the ball you and I work must be completely different.
All of our HS teams know the rule and it works very smoothly. We cover in pregame - coach have your CR ready.
If he's not ready, we don't have a CR and the game continues. If or when the gets him ready, then we make the switch.
Also, we never have a problem with F2 getting stuff on. But I know from calling, that happens when it has been allowed by the umpires.
I'm not going to waste anymore time on this because obviously we are comparing apples and oranges.
Good luck