I am sorry George I re-read your statement so I needed to edit this.
Ball was caught inside the field of play. OK
Then was carried to DBT. OK
No runners on so no worries there. OK
The umpire is with the fielder and sees that he has possesion. OK
Now we know there are NO limits on how LONG a fielder has to hold a ball, right? OK
So as the fielder heads back towards the field, still in DBT, he drops the ball. OK
I see no difference here then when an outfielder catches a normal fly ball (piece of cake play) for the third out. As he runs towards the infield there is a "time" when the umpires decreee that he has "secured" possession.
Even if this player drops the ball the out will be rewarded. OK.
Being in DBT makes no difference IF the ball was caught in the field of play. So under your play I have an "OUT!"
Under this other play I have a foul ball and no catch.
Last third world play I will ever enter into discussion about . . .
[Edited by Tim C on Jul 31st, 2002 at 08:02 PM]