Originally Posted by M&M Guy
1) Ok, I'm glad this is clear for Fed. As I admitted before, I wasn't entirely sure about the Fed. ruling, but I suppose I've gotten it confused with the NCAA-W ruling. I'm fairly certain if there has already been a warning recorded for a boundary plane infraction, the next time a player reaches through the plane, it is a T even if there is contact with the thrower.
2) Just as a point of discussion, why would the Fed. consider the second reach-through and contact with the player an intentional personal, while ignoring the the action that happened first - reaching through the plane to get to that player?
1) I think that's wrong too.
Afaik, the NCAA Wimmens rulings are exactly the same as the FED rulings. See NCAA AR 83 and AR214(1).
2) As per the case book play cited above....10.3.11SitD....
"It is considered all the same act and the end result is penalized." If the end result is contact on the thrower, call the intentional personal foul.