Originally Posted by MrUmpire
Or better yet, 22 throws the bat and cripples the catcher at his first at bat, and at his second at bat, throws his bat which bounces off the back-up catcher, killing him instantly, and hits the pitcher causing a compound fracture of his left elbow, splintering and putting out his right eye.
That ought to get you a couple of "votes."
It's apparent that you again have misunderstood my point and I apologize for not communicating very well.
I'll rephrase it so that you may better understand the point, apparently unsuccessfully, I was trying to make.
1. I wasn't looking for votes.
Mbyron(whom I quoted on the post you are referring) was emphatic about NOT using 9.01c in a bat throwing sitch during an OBR game.
I don't necessarily agree that it is so black and white and feel that most umps will at some point draw a line on this issue.
(Draw a line means that at some point we will all put a stop to the bat throwing, however some will tolerate more than others. Where you draw the line is up to you)
Perhaps it would have to be as drastic as your above sitch for you to draw the line I don't know.
So yes, my sitch was third world but would probably not be tolerated by many umps, which helps make my point.
The intent of using this form of argument is to switch the debate from 'Do you stop this type of behavior' to 'When do you stop this type of behavior'?
I'm hoping that is not to subtle for you.
And if the question is When do you stop it, the next question has to be How do you stop it? Using 9.01c is obviously one way.
Are you by chance from Rio Linda?