Originally Posted by mbyron
No, no, a thousand times no. 9.01c is not a license for you to make up rules.
The purpose of 9.01c is to allow the umpire to make a ruling in order to permit the game to move along when it gets stuck. Pitch in flight hits a bird. What's your call? Ball? Strike? No pitch? Do runners get to advance? That's the spot for 9.01c.
Just because the rules are silent on a matter does not mean that there's an omission calling for you to apply 9.01c.
There's a line somewhere, it's just a matter of where you draw it.
#22 swings hard, makes contact releases bat late, bat hits F2 in elbow. F2 has to leave game with possible broken bone.
Next time 22 is up similar scenario but this time bat hits you in the neck.
Defensive coach tells you he does not have a third catcher.
Your neck is already hurting and now you're risking being behind a novice catcher the rest of the day
Are you giving 22 a third at bat