Originally Posted by MrUmpire
First, I did not quote you and was not posting to you, but if you work like Canadaump6 let me ask this: Do you see no difference between a player throwing a helmet purposefully and an incidentally thrown bat?
Sure I see the difference. The difference to me is that with the equipment thrown in disgust I'm going to immediately run the player whereas with the thrown bat I'll give him a warning first. Maybe I need to make clear that I'm not talking about a bat that's been tossed a decent distance away from the plate area. I'm talking about a bat that's wantonly discarded that hits myself or the catcher in close proximity to the plate. It happens very rarely on the big diamond, but it does happen, and if it happens twice in a game the player is done for the day.
Originally Posted by SanDiegoSteve
Yes. As Mr. Umpire says, there is a big difference from angrily throwing equipment, for which if it is outside the dugout, I will eject immediately. If inside the dugout, I tell the coach to handle it. But someone accidently throws the bat without malice, I'm not going to run the kid. He will eventually learn not to throw the bat, but there is no rule that says he can't, and I don't go around making up rules.
Are you really going to allow a player to hit you, even accidentally, twice in one game with a thrown bat and not run him?