The sentence quoted above was not complete.
"Each fielder, other than the first baseman or catcher, may wear a leather glove not more than 14 inches wide."
It's a poorly written attempt to indicate that the 14-inch restriction doesn't apply to F3 or F2. Without the size restriction, it would appear that F2 and F3 couldn't wear gloves, at least not of leather.
The book is also misleading when 1.12 says, "The catcher may wear a mitt of any size, shape or weight," and 1.13 follows with, "The first baseman may wear a leather glove or mitt . . . ," by omission indicating that the catcher cannot wear a glove but the mitt doesn't have to be leather.
Babe Ruth–ASA rules differences are extreme and numerous. Wait till some coach tries to appeal a baserunning infraction and only you as the ump know that there are no dead ball appeals. Everything follows OBR, which has the most complicated appeals process of any code.
More whiskey—and fresh horses for my men!
Roll Tide!