this is an official basbe Ruth glove. Hey, kid, ya better use two hands!
No, I have never had a problem with this, for a couple of reasons. One, it never has come up. Two, I make it a point to understand the equipment rules and how they are interpreted for whichever sanctioning body I'm working a game under.
ASA lets either a glove or mitt be worn by at any position. So does high school softball (and baseball, too). NSA rules say that only catchers and first basemen may wear a mitt. Those are the only ones I've had to worry about, so far.
But, I have had some "rule challenged" league or tournament official make a ruling that is completely opposite of what the printed rule really means. Sounds like that is what happened here. Every single rule set that I've run across with "glove/mitt" restrictions has been the same- gloves for fielders, mitts for F2 and F3. Kind of hard to believe that the Babe Ruth organization interprets this rule exactly opposite of all the rest!