Originally Posted by ILRef80
I'll try to keep this as short as possible.
My brother's co-worker's husband is the president of a local youth baseball league. The league is made up of kids who, for the most part, have very few baseball skills. They really needed umpires and I agreed to do a few games, here and there.
They really need coaching.
When you have a bunch of un-trained kids then the league should be Instructional in nature. Forget about keeping score. etc. You do not need umpires.
These kids need to learn the game and improove on their skills. Having games with umpires is meaningless. F2 needs to be trained as well as the other players.
Therefore, IMO tell your brother that this League should change their goals and simply make this an Intsructional League. Also, simply do not umpire these games any-more. Have the coaches do it.
Pete Booth