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Old Tue Jul 30, 2002, 10:54am
Jim Porter Jim Porter is offline
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Originally posted by Gold_Spark
I need a little help here from those individuals with FED knowledge.

Is a head first slide illegal? And if so . . . when was this rule implemented?
As you've been told, it is not a FED rule.

But it might help you to know the reason Little League banned head-first slides. It began with a report from the American Academy of Pediatrics that warned of anecdotal evidence for serious cervical spinal injury when a player about 10 years old or younger attempted a head-first slide. Because of the slower reaction times than older children, and because of less coordination, they felt children of that age group were at serious enough risk to warrant the ban. The injury can be compared to spearing in football, where the top of the head meets the fielder pushing the head and neck downward.

Since kids who play FED ball are generally much older than 10-years-old, such a ban in FED wasn't necessary.
Jim Porter
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