Originally posted by Gold_Spark
I need a little help here from those individuals with FED knowledge.
Is a head first slide illegal? And if so . . . when was this rule implemented?
FED rule 2-32-1
A legal slide can be either feet first or head first
FED rule 8-4-2c
Jumping, hurdling, and leaping are all legal attempts to avoid a fielder as long as Fielder is lying on the ground
Diving over a fielder (whether on the ground or not) is ILLEGAL.
The only place I know of that does not allow head first slides is in LL Majors on Down (12 yrs. old and under)
LL rule 7.08(a-4) Any runner is out when the runner slides head first while advancing Notice the term while advancing If the runner is retreating they may slide head first going back to the base.
Pete Booth
Peter M. Booth