Vindication! (finally)
ASA and the "Helmet."
I switched to the helmet five years ago, which meant that I was not wearing a hat during the game. I wear a hat to the field, and up to the throwdown after the initial warm-up pitches. Then I tuck the hat into the fence next to my water bottle and kitchen timer, and p/u and put on the helmet for the rest of the game. At the end of the game I put the hat back on and exit the field.
I received assurances from both our State H.S. and State ASA associations that this would be acceptable for tournaments. I worked both high school tournaments and the ASA State JO tournament wearing the helmet.
But I received a lot of grief here, and on other umpire boards from the ASA purists for being "out of uniform." At my age, I have no interest in traveling outside my area to call tournaments, so advancing to regional or national tournaments is not on my agenda. Thus I kept wearing the helmet.
ASA moves slow - but they do move. Today I received from our state ASA association a letter from Kevin Ryan officially sanctioning the wearing of a helmet without a hat. Kevin does say that he wants umpires to buy a helmet that will allow for wearing a hat - BUT - for those that do not have that style - being without a hat is acceptable!
The complete text:
We have been asked many times recently about the ability to wear a helmet mask by the plate umpire without a cap. As we all know the helmet style mask is relatively new to softball umpiring. We have said in the past that our uniform includes a cap for all the umpires on the field. However; we have also seen where a cap can make the helmet mask fit incorrectly. There are helmet masks available and made to accept a cap underneath it. Where we strongly recommend that if a plate umpire decides to wear a helmet mask they purchase the one that will accept a cap underneath it. It is also strongly recommended that a cap should be worn underneath it, should a plate umpire wear a helmet mask. If an umpire does wear a helmet style mask and can not fit a cap underneath it remember they will not be like the rest of their crew, but it will be allowed.
Kevin Ryan
ASA Supervisor of Umpires
(emphasis mine)
Last edited by WestMichBlue; Tue Jun 24, 2008 at 09:46am.