Thread: Pinch running
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Old Tue Jun 24, 2008, 09:35am
AtlUmpSteve AtlUmpSteve is offline
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Let me take a stab at this group of questions.

There really isn't a pinchrunner; you enter a substitute for a runner on base. That substitute takes the place of the previous player, until and unless you substitute for her (with another sub, or by re-entering the previous player). So, if that previous player played defense (she might not, if you are using the FLEX/DP rule), then the substitute might also play defense; or not, depending on how you choose to use her. But, this is easier to follow if you consider her a substitute, not a pinchrunner, pinchhitter, or defensive sub.

A CR can only run for pitcher OR catcher. Once she runs for one, she cannot run for the other position in that game. So, your logic is fine, but you would need two different CR's to always run for both.
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