Two SP leagues I work:
League A: - Alternates 11" & 12" balls which works fine when the pitcher doesn't have his head shoved you know where. Females have option to hit 12" ball.
- Outfield arc.
- 4-3 Count (ie start with 0-0)
- Pitcher & catcher alternating genders. Half & half in the infield and outfield, with alternating genders in the outfield.
- A male that receives a BB is sent to 2B and when there are two outs, the following female batter has the option to automatically walk.
- Male player may not "takeaway" an obvious fly ball from a female player. The penalty for doing so is a one base award in the infield and a two base award in the outfield.
- A male player cannot takeaway an obvious play at the plate from a female catcher. The penalty is the runner being played upon being awarded home.
League B: - Do not alternate balls. Everyone hits a 12" ball.
- Outfield arc.
- 4-3 Count.
- No formation rules except for alternating genders at pitcher and catcher.
- Same takeaway rules as above.
- Same walk rule as above however the following female batter always has the option of taking an automatic walk.
Both leagues use the plate and a mat for the strike zone. Both leagues also use a commit line and home plate line for plays at the plate.
Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there. - Will Rogers