12 and under A game. R1 at 2B. R1 steals on pitch, no doubt she is stealing. Pitch hits dirt and comes up and hits Batter. PU calls ball dead and gives Batter 1B. R1 standing on 3B and I send her back. She gets about 1/2 way back to 2B when 3B coach comes out and says that since she was stealing she is awarded 3B on the dead ball.
During out talk, he wasn't being rude (just ignorant) he says that there was no doubt she was going to make 3B so she should be awarded it. I responded that IMO she was going to be thrown out if the ball didn't hit the batter so I guess I should call her out.
He accepted 2B w/o any more talk.
Where do these guys come up with these rules???